Childcare Services

Susan Cares 4 Kids is a home-based daycare in Yorkton, SK.

If you are looking for a loving, learning environment for your child, please contact us at : (306) 786-6373

Monday, 26 November 2012

Pirate Week

Pirate week begins at Susan's!! The week started with the children making pirate masks.  With a "yo-ho-ho" and a mighty "ARGH!!" there were some pretty fierce pirates around today.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Winter Play

Although the snow is here to stay, we still love to go out and play!!  The fresh Saskatchewan winter air sure does our little bodies good and we always have many things to do outside.

Snowmen Drawings

This past week was "snowman" themed week.  As there were many crafts centered around these creatures, a couple children took to drawing their own snowmen as well.  The creativity the children show is wonderful (please note the legs that were added so they could dance and the terrific hair-dos).


The other day we went on a little excursion to one of the new places in town - Bulk Barn.  While here, the children each were allowed to choose one little treat since they behaved so well and were very patient while out and about.  Upon returning to Susan's, one child arrived just prior to lunch but had missed out on the day's adventure.  However, each of the children decided to share one of their treats with this child so that he'd have something too.  Awwww!! Glad to know that sharing at Susan's has taken on so well.  Way to go boys and girls!! :)

Sunday, 18 November 2012


The children have been learning about fruits and vegetables at Susan's.  The other day they each made a "Fruits" booklet and some were even reading it by the end of the day, learning the words "I" and "like".